The Tarot is often used for divination purposes or for personal growth. But it’s also a valuable tool for tapping into the unconscious and drawing from it a wealth of creative inspiration. Using the Tarot as our guide, we will explore its archetypal images and use them as a basis for writing the stories we are longing to tell. This workshop will focus on using the heroine's journey as a plotting device, particularly for romances and women's fiction. The hero's journey has long been used as a way for structuring stories. Recently, however, books have been published that are now exploring the heroine's journey as well.
All you will need for this workshop is a Tarot deck, pen and paper, and a willingness to open your mind to your possibilities as an intuitive creator. There will be a Powerpoint presentation followed by a workshop where you will be provided handouts. If you have your own tarot deck or oracle cards, please bring them along. If you don’t have a deck yet, but would like to purchase one, check out the Aeclectic Tarot website for guidance on selecting a tarot deck.
Tarot decks will be on hand for the workshop, but if anyone wishes to bring extra decks for other to use, please feel free to do so.