Tuesday, January 7, 2014

March 15, 2014 Meeting: Series!

Editors want them. Readers want them. All the cool writers have them.
No, not tattoos or tribal piercings. Series!

Chris Merrill has graciously offered to let us in on the secrets of writing series. She even promised props, so consider yourself warned!

February 15, 2014 Meeting: Save the Cat for Pantsers and Plotters

Lisette will present on the SAVE THE CAT method of plotting for romance writers. This method appeals to both sides of your brain. Lisette's interpretation works for both the pantser and the plotter—especially if they reside in a single writer!

January 18, 2014 Meeting: Five-Minute Fix

Bring your incomplete characters, your plots to nowhere, your tech questions or whatever else you need help with to the group, and we’ll brainstorm solutions. Sometimes the Hive mind is a good thing!